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  • Dofus making cra guide

    ttweqf39 发表于:2009-11-24 赞一个(0) 收藏     分享到朋友圈     0 13313

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    发帖 3奋豆 4粉丝 0楼主

    发表于:2009-11-24IP属地:中国 福州市

    Would you like to make kama faster and faster in Dofus ? Ok , read the following guide and find your answer !

    Bread is the amazing healing food that every player needs; Sacs and Iops especially. Every time a player takes damage they lose a health point (HP). Health points need to be replenished or your character will die. There are 3 options for refilling HP; resting, potions or bread.

    Resting is great if you are either low level, need to step away from the computer, or are very patient. Resting to regain HP requires you to take the time to sit and do nothing……hmmm sounds fun to me! Okay, I must admit that you can meet some very interesting people while sitting at a zaap.

    Potions are good but inconsistent. Mini healing potions restore 11 - 22 HP where as Superior mini potions 21 – 40 HP. What this means how much HP you gain is a gamble. With bread you get what you pay for restoring anywhere from 10 - 700 hp. Not only will bread restore your health but it can also restore energy of course this will depend on type of bread you purchase.



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