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  • 就这样迷失在他绚烂的颜色里——意大利画家Pino Daeni

    海娅岚 发表于:2010-05-28 赞一个(0) 收藏     分享到朋友圈     7 19276

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    发表于:2010-05-28IP属地: 中国 杭州

           皮诺·德埃尼 Pino Daeni (Giuseppe Dangelico) 1939- ,意大利当代画家。1939 年出生在意大利 。 毕业于巴里艺术学院, 他是一位成功商业艺术家, 他的作品中很强的欲望表现出他自己的想法和情感, 作品中流露出温暖的乡情, 爱和家庭的温暖,扣人心弦的颜色, 并且微妙简单的表达出作品主题. 他的作品遍及美国, 深受世界各地收藏家的赞赏。在中国也办过展览。


      皮诺的作品着力于描绘温情、乡愁、爱情和家庭。他的作品往往取景于阳光跃动的地中海海滩,那时他所成长的地方典型的形象。皮诺在捕捉创作对象的动作和表情方面的出众才华,为他在世界各地赢得了众多的追随者和绘制私人肖像的订单。 由于孩提时期在众多的美女的包围中长大,(包括他的姐妹,婶婶们和堂姐妹们),他的性格中融合了从崇拜到孤立等多种特质。皮诺笔下的人物经常出现在富于美感的闺房或是梳妆室当中,期盼着她们的丈夫或是情人。 皮诺早先在意大利的巴里艺术学院学习,之后又就读于米兰的布雷拉美术学院。在那里他在拉菲尔前派和马奇由里的影响下潜心研究人体的结构,进一步完善自己的画技。 在意大利成功地树立了自己的名望后,皮诺移居美国,寻求艺术上更为广阔的发展空间和进一步发展的机会。很快,著名的Borghi画廊发掘了他,为他在纽约和波士顿举行了数次画展。 皮诺早期作品多描绘娇美浪漫的身着柔滑裙装的女性形象, 而这吸引了 Dell和Zebra出版社的主意。 1980年,Zebra委托他绘制了他的第一个封面,随后他在文学界的受欢迎程度不断攀升,最终成为了被Zebra、Bantam、Simon、Schuster、Herlequin、Penquin USA和Dell等众多出版社所追逐的当红画家。


    Pino Daeni, (born in Giuseppe Dangelico, Italy, November 8, 1939). He was trained at the Art institute of Bari, later at Milan’s Academy of Brera, Pino Daeni was good at painting nudes and heavily influenced by the Pre-Raphaelites and Macchiaioli. Pino went to United States, there his artworks ware soon discovered and he made several prestigious exhibitions in New York and Boston, then he became famous.


    His early paintings use soft and romantic stroke on women dressed in flowing skirts and dresses. Pino used warm & exciting colors and the subtle, his paintings and limited editions are in growing demand throughout the United Kingdom. He desired to express his thoughts & emotions even if many people underline his success as a commercial artist. We feel warmth, nostalgia, love & family from his canvases. The popular themes in his paintings are vibrantly sunny beaches in the Mediterranean sea where Pino Daeni grew up; a young boy or girl by beautiful women; inhabiting sensuous boudoirs or dressing rooms in anticipation of their lover



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