• 今日汇率:1欧元= 7.862348元人民币

  • Overseas brand development

    jasmin-B 发表于:2021-08-03 IP属地:中国香港 Central 105480    一键分享到朋友圈



    信息分类: 其它职位 工作性质: 全职
    工作地点: 未设置 薪资水平: 2000-3000€/月
    招聘人数: 2人 学历要求: 本科
    工作年限: 3-5年 联系人:   联系我时请说是在奋大看到的。
    有效天数: 已过期 836 天 联系电话: 邮******系 [查看完整号码]


    温馨提示: 此广告发布IP属地并非意大利,请谨慎交易![骗术曝光]
    工作地点:在家远程办公,每日与国内BOSS沟通落实工作指标 联系方式:[email protected] 招聘对象: 1、It should understand and be familiar with the international trade situation, have a certain understanding or familiarity with the cosmetics industry, and love the international trade /marketing management or cosmetics industry; 2、It should have relevant background and experience in the relevant international trade/imported cosmetics/ FMCG(fast moving consumer goods)industry; 3、Rich experience in international trade business development, procurement or sales; Job duties: 1、Through in-depth communication with the brand, it understands the brand development and status quo, analyzes the development direction, development concept and market strategy of the brand, and participates in the strategic planning and execution of the brand; 2、It is responsible for participating in the strategic planning and execution of the brand, formulating annual marketing plan and creative planning for the brand, and ensuring the rapid development of the brand-related business with good service quality; 3、It is responsible for conducting business negotiations with the brand and participating in the development of cooperation programs; establishing an effective working relationship with the brand. This includes appropriate interaction with the brand in problem solving and follow-up; 4、It independently completes business negotiations, independently plans cooperation programs, and implements cooperation; regular project planning and analysis, and finds business breakthroughs; 5、It organizes and coordinates the company's internal and external resources, assists the company's operations and marketing, and ensures the efficient and orderly conduct of external business cooperation; 6、It works with marketing management, training, visual marketing and store operations teams to create synergistic effect among all consumer touch points. 7、It should continuously research and explore new trends in markets and categories, monitor industry trends, and assess competition. Job Requirements: 1、Bachelor degree or above, with more than 5 years of experience in related industries such as internet/imported cosmetics/FMCG(fast moving consumer goods)industry, more than 3 years experience in business negotiation and client support, experience in cosmetics/FMCG(fast moving consumer goods)brand is preferred; language ability is strong, and English is preferred as a working language; 2、It has good organizational skills and prioritized work efficiency and a high degree of urgency; 3、It has excellent business understanding, good communication skills, business negotiation skills and product architecture capabilities and output capabilities; 4、It can independently and quickly and effectively understand the value and effect of various resources, and has the ability to predict the effectiveness of the project; 5、It has strong communication and negotiation skills, and has good resource integration capabilities and resistance to pressure; 6、According to the project plan, it can cooperate and negotiate to reach the corresponding KPI; 7、It should be familiar with brand marketing and Internet thinking, with capabilities of business thinking and data analysis; 8、It should understand consumer behavioral science and psychology course, and be proficient in using office software, especially PPT;


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